Temporomandibular joint and treatment

We want to share with you a presentation where we explain you the temporomandibular joint and its optimum treatment for the patient.

From a functional point of view, the TMJ is one of the most complexes of the organism, it allows the movement in the hinge and displacement. It is a composed joint that even though it only has two bones and a cartilage.
In this presentation you’ll find:
  1. TMJ- composed joint
  2. Anatonomy
  3. Bilaminar zone
  4. Function
  5. Chewing muscles
  6. Dislocation of the TMJ
  7. Inflammatory disorders
  8. Orthodontical treatment and the DTM
  9. Treatment
  10. Surgery

In Birbe’s Clinic we are a clinic with exclusive dedication to the maxillofacial surgery and implantology. We have a human team at the forefront of our speciality and some biotechnological facilities of last generation.

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