Attenuation of Periocular and Upper Third Facial Wrinkles

What is it?

The application of myomodulators or botulinum toxin relaxes the facial muscles temporarily, eliminating and/or preventing the appearance of wrinkles, raising the eyebrows and regulating sebum secretion to give your face more luminosity.

Treatment steps

The treatment consists of microinjections after dissolving the toxin in serum. The application is very precise in terms of location and quantity, being a highly safe and effective technique.

1st session: Application of the toxin in the agreed locations. The effect starts after 3-4 days, being maximum after 20 days.

2nd session: Review at 3 weeks.

Duration of treatment between 4-6 months depending on the patient’s characteristics.

Next sessions: to maintain the results, attenuate and avoid the appearance of wrinkles, it is advisable to perform the treatment every 6-12 months depending on the patient.

Our recommendations

Why have surgery at Birbe Clinic?

We specialize in designing faces and smiles.

At Birbe Clinic we have a great team, supervised by Dr. Joan Birbe, with more than 20 years of experience treating patients; always up to date with the latest developments and selecting the innovations that really bring improvements to our treatments. As in the case of virtual simulations of facial surgeries, intraoral scanners, customization of facial prostheses, the use of the microscope, etc.


Our priority is to achieve excellence in treatment. All this with a personalized, honest and trustworthy treatment. In addition, our facilities offer maximum hygiene, sterilization and comfort.

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We help you to perform the intervention you need

After a rigorous evaluation, we offer you a personalized and closed budget with all the necessary forms of payment and financing, so that you can carry it out.

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  • Lunes, jueves y viernes de 8:00h a 16:00h
  • Martes y miércoles de 8:00h a 15:00h.
  • Teléfono: +34 93 212 47 37 

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Durante tu primera consulta te facilitaremos:

✔ Diagnóstico personal mediante exploración oral y facial.

✔ Presupuesto cerrado con diferentes posibilidades de financiación.

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