What dental and aesthetic solutions can we offer you?
Dental Solutions: Loss of Teeth
Mandibular Prognathism
Jordi had visited another clinic to treat his case of Mandibular Prognathism, the solution they proposed was not to his confidence, so he went to the Birbe Clinic to try to find the best alternative.
Open Bite Case
Sergio is a boy who came to Birbe Clinic through his orthodontist due to an open bite problem. Sergio was treated with orthodontics in his teens and had a recurrence over the years, since Sergio’s case was not only orthodontic, but also surgical.
Upper Jaw Case
After years of periodontal disease, finally Ana’s upper incisors could not be saved. They were replaced by two implants, and the problem was solved. Ana is delighted.
Loss of only one tooth
Loss of only one tooth Replace a single missing tooth at Birbe Clinic People who have lost a single tooth decide to try replacing it
Loss of Several tooth
Loss of Several tooth People who have lost several teeth decide to try replacing them many times for purely cosmetic reasons, especially for anterior teeth.
Loss of All Teeth
Loss of All Teeth Loss of all teeth in the upper jaw By losing all the teeth of the upper jaw, we not only have
Dental problems
Small Teeth
Small Teeth Small teeth (disproportion with what is shown of the gum) Corrective gingivectomy or crown lengthening Indicated in those cases in which the smile
Worn teeth
Worn teeth Worn Teeth We can give them their original shape and size with veneers and composites. The causes that cause dental wear (bruxism, gastric
Included Teeth
Included Teeth What are included teeth? Sometimes the teeth fail to erupt in the mouth, once they are formed inside the jaws, being included within them.
Dark Teeth
Dark Teeth Solution to Dark teeth 1. External Bleaching By applying a gel on the teeth and activating it with heat, laser or ultraviolet light, we
Stained teeth
Stained teeth Sometimes permanent teeth erupt with stained enamel. These spots can be white (like chalk) or brown. They are caused by alterations in enamel mineralization
Aesthetic Solutions
Bug or Aquiline Nose
Bug or Aquiline Nose What is the big nose? The large nose is one of the most frequent reasons for consultation for rhinoplasty. We consider a
Puff Ears
Puff Ears What are puff ears? Puff ears are ears naturally, but in a position in relation to the head that is too far from the
Big Ears
Big Ears What are big ears? We call large ears to ears with a size greater than what would correspond in relation to the skull and