Celebrities and their Facial Transformations: Before and After Plastic Surgery

It is impossible to deny the impact that facial surgeries have on the appearance of many celebrities. From minor touch-ups to complete transformations, these cosmetic interventions have helped many public figures enhance their beauty or regain their self-confidence. Let’s explore some of the most notable cases of celebrities who have opted for procedures such as rhinoplasty, facelifts and blepharoplasty.

1.Rhinoplasty: Refining the Nose

One of the most popular surgeries among celebrities. Actresses such as Bella Hadid have been the subject of rumours about a possible rhinoplasty, which would have softened and refined the features of her nose, bringing more symmetry to her face. This procedure not only improves aesthetics, but can also correct functional problems such as a deviated septum.

2. Facelift: Rejuvenation in Hollywood

Stars such as Jane Fonda and Demi Moore are examples of how a facelift can offer a more youthful appearance without losing naturalness. This procedure tightens the skin of the face and neck, eliminating visible signs of ageing.

3. Blepharoplasty: Renewed Looks

Blepharoplasty has been the solution for many actors and singers looking to eliminate bags under the eyes or drooping eyelids. Celebrities such as Renée Zellweger have shown how this surgery can rejuvenate and open up the eyes.

4. Otoplasty: Refining the Profile

Although less talked about, otoplasty is key for those seeking to correct prominent ears. Brad Pitt, for example, has been linked to this procedure, which can offer greater facial harmony.

5. Total Makeovers: Inspiration or Excess?

Some celebrities have taken interventions to the limit, such as Donatella Versace or Mickey Rourke, showing how excesses in surgery can radically alter the face. Other cases, such as Kylie Jenner, show how a progressive and strategic approach to surgery and fillers can achieve natural results.


Facial surgery can be a great ally in improving appearance and boosting self-esteem, as long as it is performed with a professional and balanced approach. Taking inspiration from celebrities is valid, but remembering that each face is unique is essential. If you are considering a procedure, consult with a facial surgery specialist for the best results.

find out more about these procedures at our clinic and transform your best version! 🌟

Mentoplasty: Examples of Remarkable Transformations

Mentoplasty, or chin surgery, is a cosmetic procedure designed to improve the proportion and harmony of the face. This procedure can involve augmentation, reduction, or repositioning of the chin to achieve a more balanced and attractive profile. Many celebrities and public figures have resorted to this procedure to improve their facial aesthetics.

Here are a few notable examples of mentoplasty:

1.Angelina Jolie: A symmetrical and definedchin

Although Angelina already had a naturally beautiful face, experts suggest she may have undergone a defining mentoplasty to achieve a more pronounced jawline, which perfectly complements her high cheekbones.

Results: A more defined jawline that enhances facial structure.

2.Zac Efron: Masculine and harmonious profile

The actor has shown a remarkable transformation in his chin and jawline. Although he has not publicly confirmed having undergone surgery, there is speculation that an augmentation mentoplasty may have been key to his squarer, more masculine jawline.

Results: Improved facial proportion and a stronger profile.

3. Bella Hadid: Subtle elegance

Bella Hadid, known for her facial transformation, may have opted for a subtle mentoplasty to achieve a slightly more prominent chin. This has given her more balance between her chin, nose and lips.

Results: A harmonious profile with elegant and sophisticated features.

4.Kylie Jenner: Strategic proportion

Kylie Jenner’s transformation has been a topic of conversation for years. It is speculated that a mentoplasty along with other procedures (fillers and rhinoplasty) has played a role in balancing the proportions of her face.

Results: A more proportionate and slimmer face.

5. Elon Musk: Makeover

The tech mogul has shown a significant change in his appearance over the years. Some surgeons have pointed to a possible augmentation mentoplasty to define his chin and create a more pronounced jawline.

Results: A rejuvenated and more defined appearance.

Benefits of Mentoplasty

  • Facial balance: Improves the relationship between the chin, nose and lips.
  • Boosts self-esteem: Provides a more harmonious and pleasing appearance.
  • Natural results: When performed by specialists, mentoplasty enhances beauty without appearing artificial.

are you considering mentoplasty?

At Birbe Clinic, we have over 25 years of experience in maxillofacial and facial surgery. We design each procedure in a personalised way, guaranteeing results that adapt to the unique proportions of your face.

schedule a consultation and find out how we can help you achieve a perfect profile!

Article written by Birbe’s Editorial Board

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