How to take care of your health at Christmas: Tips from Birbe Clinic

Christmas is a special time to enjoy with family and friends, but it can also be a time when our healthy habits are compromised. At Birbe Clinic, we want to help you maintain a balance that allows you to enjoy the holidays without neglecting your health. Here are some practical recommendations: 1. Eat slowly and chew well Taking your time when eating helps to improve digestion and avoid problems such as indigestion or bloating. In addition, opt for small portions of the foods you like the most to avoid excesses. 2. Respect meal times Although celebrations may alter routines, try to keep regular meal times. This helps your digestive system to work better and prevents discomfort. 3. Moderate alcohol consumption Excess alcohol not only affects your digestion, but also your skin and general well-being. Try alternating with water or herbal teas to stay hydrated. 4. Incorporate fruits and vegetables Include healthy options in your menus: salads, vegetable skewers or fresh fruits as part of desserts. Enjoy typical sweets in moderation, focusing on quality rather than quantity. 5. Prioritize healthy cooking methods Opt for baking, grilling or wok cooking, avoiding frying as much as possible. This will make your dishes lighter and easier to digest. 6. Stay active Take advantage of the days without celebrations to do physical exercise. If you have little time, a 30-minute walk can make a difference. 7. Listen to your body If you suffer from conditions such as reflux, gastritis or irritable bowel syndrome, adapt your meals to your needs. Prevention is always better than cure. With these simple tips, at Birbe Clinic we encourage you to enjoy the holidays while taking care of your health. Remember that small changes can make a big difference. Happy holidays!

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