Surgery in transversal malocclusiones

We want to share with you a presentation where we explain you the surgery in transversal malocclusions.

 In this presentation you’ll find:
  1. Introduction
  2. Sarpe
  3. I  segmented osteotomy lefort
  4. Surgical procedures (Sarpe and LFS)
  5. Presurgical orthodontics
  6. Splints, stabilisation and fixation
  7. Postsurgical orthodontics
  8. Expanders: Sarpe
  9. Periodontium and pulp
  10. Recurrence
  11. Conclusions
  12. Corticotomies
In Birbe’s Clinic we are a clinic with exclusive dedication yo the maxillofacial surgery and implantology. We have a human team at the forefront of our speciality and some biotechnological facilities of last generation.


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