Pediatric Dentistry

What is Pediatric Dentistry?

Pediatric Dentistry is the specialty of Dentistry that deals with the oral health of children up to 18 years of age.


At Clínica Birbe we maintain the oral health of children and young people. We achieve this by carrying out good prevention and also an early detection of problems that may appear.


The oral health of our young people is in good hands and at the right time.

Our Treatments

  • First the prevention of tooth decay.


  • We teach oral hygiene following proper dietary habits.


  • Radiology and complementary diagnostic tests.


  • Seals with the most suitable materials.


  • We guide tooth replacement and occlusion development (space maintainers)


  • Detection of bad dental positions.


  • Detection of facial bone growth alteration.


  • Dental trauma.


  • Orientation in bad habits such as thumb sucking or pacifier.


  • Guidance on the need or not for orthodontic treatment and conscious sedation.

FAQ about oral health in children

A toothbrush will remove plaque bacteria that can lead to cavities.

Any soft toothbrush with a small head, preferably one specially designed for infants, should be used at least once a day before going to sleep.

To prevent dental problems, your child should see a pediatric dentist when the first tooth appears, or no later than their first birthday.

Pediatric dentists are the pediatricians of dentistry. A pediatric dentist is a licensed dentist with specialized postgraduate training in treating oral health problems in children and adolescents.

Visiting the website of the Spanish Society of Pediatric Dentistry (SEOP) or consulting the Official College of Dentists and Stomatologists of Catalonia (COEC).

Milk teeth, also called primary, deciduous, temporary, are of great importance for many reasons: they allow children fundamental functions such as phonation (speaking) and chewing; They also help, in tooth replacement, that the permanent teeth follow the proper path and, very importantly, maintain the space so that they can be well aligned with each other, avoiding crowding and other bad occlusions.

First, clean the irritated area with warm salt water and apply cold to the face if it is swollen. Give your child acetaminophen for pain, instead of putting aspirin on the teeth or gums. And go to a pediatric dentist as soon as possible.

Generally, both thumb sucking and the habit of sucking on a pacifier, if prolonged for a long period of time, favor the appearance of dental malpositions and bone malformations of the jaws.



Most children leave these habits on their own, but if after 3 years they are still maintained, the pediatric dentist should recommend the adaptation of an oral device to eliminate it as soon as possible.


Avoid using the bottle when the child goes to sleep. When they are already a certain age, months, avoid drinking at night or just water.

Learning the correct way to brush and floss is also essential.

Take your child to a pediatric dentist regularly to have his teeth and gums checked.

The first visit to the dentist should be scheduled around your child’s first year.

A check-up every six months is recommended to prevent cavities and other dental problems. Even so, your pediatric dentist can tell you when and how often your child needs to visit, customizing based on oral health and cavities risks.

The sooner the better!

From birth, clean the baby’s gums with an infant toothbrush or a soft cloth and water.

When the first milk teeth have appeared, parents have to use a small amount of toothpaste with fluoride (from “staining” the bristles of the brush to the size of a grain of rice), brushing twice, using a brush soft and age appropriate size teeth.

Once the children are between 3 and 6 years old, the amount of paste must be increased to the size of a pea and carry out or help your child’s tooth brushing. Remember that young children do not have the ability to brush their teeth effectively. Children should spit out and not swallow excess toothpaste after brushing.

Make sure your child has a balanced and varied diet, which includes a serving of each of the following foods: fruits and vegetables, bread and cereals, milk and dairy products, fish / meat and eggs.

Limiting sugar and starch helps protect your child’s teeth against cavities.

You can also ask your pediatric dentist what foods help protect your children’s teeth.

Pit and fissure sealants are composites, the same color as teeth, used to fill natural “cracks” in the chewing surfaces (occlusal surfaces) of teeth, mainly molars and premolars.

This facilitates the hygiene of the occlusal surfaces of the molars (surfaces of maximum caries incidence) and avoids the retention of plaque and food residues in these areas.

The application is fast, comfortable and can effectively protect teeth for many years. It is done without anesthesia

Mouth guards should be worn to protect teeth, lips, cheeks, and gums from sports-related injuries.

A mouthguard made to measure by the pediatric dentist for your child will protect the teeth and mouth from the bumps and falls caused during sports.

The most important thing is to stay calm. Next, look for the tooth. Hold it by the dental crown, do not touch the root, and try to put it back in its socket. If this is not possible, put the tooth in a glass of milk or salt water, and take your child immediately to the pediatric dentist.

Absolutely safe. There is very low exposure on dental x-rays. Pediatric dentists are especially careful about limiting the amount of radiation to which they expose children. Lead aprons and digital radiology are used to ensure safety and minimize the amount of exposure.

Parents should take their children to the dentist regularly, starting with the eruption of the first tooth. The pediatric dentist can recommend a specific program of brushing, flossing, and other treatments and advice to supervise and teach your children. This home care, added to regular dental visits and a balanced diet, will help your child live a healthy life and habits.

Why have an operation at Birbe Clinic?

We are specialists in designing faces and smiles.


At Birbe Clinic we have a great team, mentored by Dr. Joan Birbe, with more than 20 years of experience treating patients; always up to date with news and selecting the innovations that really bring improvements to our treatments. As in the case of virtual simulations of facial surgeries, intraoral scanners, customization of facial prostheses, the use of the microscope, etc.

Our Recommendations


Our priority is to achieve excellence in treatment. All this with a personalized, honest and trustworthy treatment. In addition, our facilities offer maximum hygiene, sterilization and comfort.


Find out what they think of us!

We help you carry out the intervention you need

After a rigorous evaluation we will offer you a personalized and closed estimate with all the necessary forms of payment and financing, so that you can carry it out.

Contact Us

Contact us during our business hours of:

  • Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8.00h to 16.00h.
  • Tuesday and Wednesday from 8.00h to 18.00h.
  • Phone Number: +34 93 212 47 37.

Outside of our business hours you can send us a WhatsApp or a form and we will answer you as soon as possible. Being located in Barcelona, ​​we receive patients from all over the national and international territory.


During your first consultation we will provide you with:


Personal diagnosis by oral and facial examination.

✔ Closed estimate with different financing possibilities.

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