
What is Maxillofacial Surgery?

Oral and maxillofacial surgery is the medical specialty dedicated to the treatment of pathologies and alterations of the face, mouth and neck. It covers the entire face, its internal structures and obviously the skin. The great variety of existing structures in the face entails a wide range of pathologies and treatments, as well as a thorough knowledge of the complicated cranial and facial anatomy. For all these reasons, the maxillofacial surgeon is the specialist indicated for the treatment of any disease affecting the face and mouth.

Within the maxillofacial surgery we can distinguish mainly the following surgeries:

Surgery Orthognathic Surgery (jaw surgery) for the correction of facial asymmetries, malocclusions and obstructive sleep apnea.

Facial Aesthetic Surgery, from a rhinoplasty, a mentoplasty, a blepharoplasty, an otoplasty to a facelift.

Oral surgery: from wisdom teeth extraction to frenectomy, including all salivary gland pathologies.

– Placement of dental implants and bone grafts necessary to make them viable.

ReconstructivePlastic Surgery for the treatment of head and neck tumors, facial trauma, congenital diseases and scars.

Surgery of the Temporomandibular Joint, the joint that joins the jaw to the skull.

At Birbe Clinic we have a great team, supervised by Dr. Joan Birbe, with more than 20 years of experience treating patients; always up to date with the latest news and selecting the innovations that really improve our treatments, such as virtual simulations of facial surgeries, intraoral scanners, personalization of facial prostheses, the use of microscopes, etc.

We specialize in designing faces and smiles.

Cirugía maxilofacial en Barcelona

Surgical Steps

Most of these problems are approached through the mouth, so that there are no visible facial scars. Hence the importance of a perfect mastery of oral surgery to perform excellent maxillofacial treatments. We also have a cranial and facial physiotherapy unit for a better post-surgical recovery and temporomandibular joint problems.

Types of Maxillofacial Surgery

Maxillofacial Surgery

From wisdom teeth extraction to frenectomy, including all salivary gland pathologies.

Oral Surgery

Specialty in charge of processes such as the placement of dental implants, tooth extraction, apicoectomies, frenectomies...

Orthognathic Surgery

Correction of facial asymmetries, malocclusions and obstructive sleep apnea.

We help you to perform the intervention you need

After a rigorous evaluation, we offer you a personalized and closed budget with all the necessary forms of payment and financing, so that you can carry it out.

Why have surgery at Birbe Clinic?

We specialize in designing faces and smiles.

At Birbe Clinic we have a great team, supervised by Dr. Joan Birbe ( maxillofacial surgery specialist), with more than 20 years of experience treating patients; always up to date with the latest developments and selecting the innovations that really bring improvements to our treatments. As in the case of virtual simulations of facial surgery, intraoral scanners, customization of facial prostheses, the use of microscopy, etc..   

Contact us at

Contáctanos en nuestro horario laboral de:

  • Lunes, jueves y viernes de 8:00h a 16:00h
  • Martes y miércoles de 8:00h a 15:00h.
  • Teléfono: +34 93 212 47 37 

Fuera de nuestro horario laboral puedes enviarnos un WhatsApp o un formulario y te contestaremos al siguiente día hábil. Estando ubicados en Barcelona, recibimos pacientes de todo el territorio nacional e internacional.

Durante tu primera consulta te facilitaremos:

✔ Diagnóstico personal mediante exploración oral y facial.

✔ Presupuesto cerrado con diferentes posibilidades de financiación.

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