
The objective of all medical treatments at Birbe Clinic is to offer a complete and global solution to the patient’s needs. We have elaborated clinical protocols for the different phases of the whole treatment that guarantee the achievement of the end of the proposed treatment. The teamwork of the different specialists ensures an accurate diagnosis of the patient’s pathology and the most suitable treatment plan for him/her.

Our treatment coordinators are experts in organizing visits between the specialists involved in the treatment.
cirugia ortognatica

Orthognathic Surgery

Surgery that treats the maxillary bones to be able to chew optimally, solve sleep apnea and obtain a harmonious face.



The alignment and perfect fit of the teeth allow a good chewing function as well as a natural and esthetic smile.

Cirugía Oral Maxilofacial

Oral Maxillofacial Surgery

Unlike orthognathic surgery, oral maxillofacial surgery treats pathologies affecting the head, mouth, face and neck.



We are specialized dentists. We treat any mouth problem. Our treatments guarantee its function and good aesthetics.

Cirugía Estética Facial

Facial Cosmetic Surgery

A successful facial aesthetic surgery is the result of a good understanding between patient and surgeon, without a doubt.

Estética dental

Dental Aesthetics

Rejuvenate your smile now.
Enjoy a healthy and beautiful smile at any age with the ideal proportion between teeth, lips and gums.

Certificate of Professionalism

We are recognized by The American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (ABOMS), a body specialized in oral and maxillofacial surgery in the United States and internationally recognized.

We help you to perform the intervention you need

After a rigorous evaluation, we offer you a personalized and closed budget with all the necessary forms of payment and financing, so that you can carry it out.

Facilities for your treatments


Our priority is excellence in treatment. For this we have referents in each specialty who work in coordination, in an interdisciplinary way; dental specialists, maxillofacial surgeon, cranial physiotherapist…

Meet Clínica Birbe’s medical team and Dr. Birbe, all of them international references.


Our priority is to achieve excellence in treatment. All this with a personalized, honest and trustworthy treatment. In addition, our facilities offer maximum hygiene, sterilization and comfort.

Find out what they think about us!

Our recommendations

Contact us at

Contact us during our business hours:

  • Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Tuesday and Wednesday from 8:00h to 19:00h.
  • Phone: +34 93 212 47 37

Outside our working hours you can send us a WhatsApp or a form and we will get back to you the next business day. Being located in Barcelona, we receive patients from all over the national and international territory.

During your first consultation we will provide you with:

✔ Personal diagnosis by oral and facial examination.

✔ Closed budget with different financing financing possibilities.

    La comunicación de sus datos será objeto de tratamiento por parte del Responsable del Tratamiento . Esta comunicación se utilizará exclusivamente para tratar sus datos para atender su solicitud, siempre de acuerdo al Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 de 27 de abril de 2016 (RGPD), Ley Orgánica 3/2018 de 5 de diciembre (LOPDGDD) y demás normativa legal vigente en materia de protección de datos personales, sobre protección de datos. Sus datos no se comunicarán a terceros, excepto por obligación legal, y se mantendrán mientras no solicite su cancelación.
    En cualquier momento usted puede ejercer los derechos de acceso, rectificación, portabilidad y oposición, o si procede, a la limitación y/o cancelación del tratamiento, comunicándolo por escrito, indicando sus datos personales a C/ Lincoln 29, 08006, Barcelona – Teléfono: 932124737 (Barcelona) o mediante un email a clinica@birbe.org

    Top Doctors Awards 2020

    Dr. Joan Birbe has been chosen as one of the best Spanish doctors and specialists in private medicine in the VII Edition of the Top Doctors® Awards.

    Certificate of Excellence 2018

    We have the recognition of our patients on the Doctoralia platform, a search engine for doctors and private health services at national and international level.

    International Certification

    Birbe What Clinic

    Accredited by the Plastic Surgery Community

    We are recognized and certified by the leading community of plastic and aesthetic surgery, Multiestética.

    Institutions that accredit us

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    Thank you!

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    Valid until January 31.

    ✨ We have financing options adapted to your needs,

    Bleferoplastia superior e inferior