
Birbe’s Clinic wants to offer you information about the dental porcelain micro veneers.

To have an attractive and perfect smile despite having misaligned, damaged, or dark teeth the ideal aesthetic treatment can be the veneers.

The microveneers are a type of veneers which are extremely fine confected in ultraresistant porcelain made to measure. These are stuck in the surface of the teeth giving a natural and attractive appearance. Unlike the normal veneers, these ones don’t have the need of cutting the tooth.

Porcelain is a very weak material but when it is stuck firmly to the tooth, it can become very strong, turning into the most similar to the natural enamel of the tooth and reinforcing it.


  • Slight changes of position and shape of the teeth
  • Eliminate the separation between the teeth (diastema)
  • To improve the dental color in darkened teeth
  • Restore damaged or with many fillings teeth


  • It’s a non-invasive method
  • It is not necessary to remove healthy dental structure (the tooth is not carved)
  • Less postoperative sensitivity
  • Color, brightness, and natural look that is kept with the passage of time
  • It there is usually no rejection by the patient

If you wish to have more information about the veneers or micro veneers treatments that we offer in Birbe’s Clinic do not doubt in contacting with us.

Article written by the Birbe Editorial Committee

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