Rhinoplasty time

Are you tired of your nose appearance? Would like that it to be more beauty? Probably, you will know that rhinoplasty is one of Dr. Birbe speciality, who is certified by American Board of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery, but maybe you don’t know about our great offer.

Get ready to know our offer!

We desire your happiness. This is why we want you to feel more confident. For this reason, we have prepared an offer that we know you will love. Dr. Birbe will make you a rhinoplasty in Barcelona for 2.999€*. He will improve your facial appearance after a first visit where he will study your case individually.

How do we perform a rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty consists in a simply  one hour or two hours surgery. It can be performed under general anaesthesia (sedation) or local anaesthesia.
At Clínica B I R B E, we make the everyday effort to satisfy our pacients with the best services and treatments, which is made by a specialised and high-level medical team. We will make a complete study of your case to achieve the best solution.
If you want a first visit with us, please, contact us calling to (+34) 93 212 47 37, texting to our WhatsApp (+34) 626 85 23 63 or filling a form.
*Offer depends on special conditions (disponibility, case…).

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Bleferoplastia superior e inferior