
What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is one of the most frequent interventions performed in facial cosmetic surgery. It consists of transforming the shape of the nose, while improving respiratory function. When we do a correction of the nasal septum simultaneously with a rhinoplasty, we call it a rhinoseptoplasty.


There are basically two rhinoplasty techniques: open or closed.


The main difference between the two is that in open rhinoplasty the intranasal incisions are connected through an incision in the columella. This incision is not a cosmetic problem. However, despite the fact that in recent years there has been a trend to do many open rhinoplasties, with the latest preservation rhinoplasty techniques we are doing more closed rhinoplasties again.


At Birbe Clinic we have professionals of excellence to always provide you with the best service and treatments.

Ultrasonic rhinoplasty

One of the steps in rhinoplasty are osteotomies that allow a wide back to be narrowed and the back to be regularized once the back is lowered. When we perform these osteotomies with an ultrasonic scalpel, we speak of ultrasonic rhinoplasty.


We know that rhinoplasty is one of the most demanded cosmetic surgeries and we, at Birbe Clinic, want to offer the best for our patients. For this reason we want to make it known that ultrasonic rhinoplasty in Barcelona is already possible.


Ultrasonic rhinoplasty is a new technique in nose surgery that works with ultrasound and avoids common instruments such as the file and chisel. The result makes rhinoplasty a safer and less traumatic surgery.

Advantages of Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty

  • Greater safety thanks to the control of bone remodeling
  • Respect for tissues such as cartilage, mucosa and blood vessels
  • Progressive process so that the intervention is less traumatic
  • Surgical time less than usual
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Nasal packing is not necessary
  • More comfortable postoperative
  • Less traumatic surgery

When a nose has already been operated and requires a second intervention, we speak of secondary rhinoplasty. When is the first time to operate, primary rhinoplasty. When in the context of an open rhinoplasty, we do multiple reconstructions with cartilage grafts to restore lost form and function, we speak of structural rhinoplasty.


Conservative or preservation rhinoplasty is a type of rhinoplasty where a preservation of the nasal dorsum is made, reducing it by sinking the septum, while the nasal cartilages are dissected in a deep subperichondrial plane. Other terms that we can use are post-traumatic rhinoplasty, after an accident, or nasal reconstruction, after cancer surgeries or post-traumatic injuries.


Depending on the shape of the nose to be treated, we speak of augmentation rhinoplasties, reduction rhinoplasties, or asymmetry correction rhinoplasties.

Rhinoplasty can be performed with intravenous sedation on an outpatient basis or under general anesthesia, which usually requires an overnight stay in the clinic.

After surgery we place a thermoplastic splint to stabilize the new nasal shape for a week. Nasal packing is not always necessary, which is very comfortable for the patient.


The inflammation is mostly concentrated in the first week. From the second week you can lead a normal life, avoiding intense exercises.

The shape of the nose is defined over time, so that we cannot consider the treatment stabilized until 3-6 m after surgery.

Or, we talk about ultrasonic rhinoplasty.


Our Recommendations

Why have an operation at Birbe Clinic?

We are specialists in designing faces and smiles.


At Birbe Clinic we have a great team, mentored by Dr. Joan Birbe, with more than 20 years of experience treating patients; always up to date with news and selecting the innovations that really bring improvements to our treatments. As in the case of virtual simulations of facial surgeries, intraoral scanners, customization of facial prostheses, the use of the microscope, etc.


Our priority is to achieve excellence in treatment. All this with a personalized, honest and trustworthy treatment. In addition, our facilities offer maximum hygiene, sterilization and comfort.


Find out what they think of us

We help you carry out the intervention you need

After a rigorous evaluation we will offer you a personalized and closed estimate with all the necessary forms of payment and financing, so that you can carry it out.

Contact Us

Contact us during our business hours of:

  • Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8.00h to 16.00h.
  • Tuesday and Wednesday from 8.00h to 18.00h.
  • Phone Number: +34 93 212 47 37.

Outside of our business hours you can send us a WhatsApp or a form and we will answer you as soon as possible. Being located in Barcelona, ​​we receive patients from all over the national and international territory.


During your first consultation we will provide you with:


Personal diagnosis by oral and facial examination.

✔ Closed estimate with different financing possibilities.

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