Bug or Aquiline Nose

What is the big nose?

The large nose is one of the most frequent reasons for consultation for rhinoplasty.

We consider a large nose when it is not harmonious with the rest of the face, when we perceive it as disproportionate to the other facial structures (eyes, lips, forehead …). It is evident that it can be a very subjective observation, but let us not forget that in facial aesthetics there are totally measurable reference patterns (golden ratio) and that they guide us in the planning of simulations and surgeries.

The large nose can be due to a localized excess at the level of the nasal bones, the cartilaginous area, below the nasal bones or, most frequently, a combination of both.


What is the aquiline nose?


The aquiline nose is a type of large nose that combines excess nasal dorsum, excess nasal bones, excess nasal septum, and drooping of the tip of the nose. We appreciate a disproportionate projection of the nose with respect to the face. It can often be associated with breathing difficulties. Its correction is a rhinoplasty to rectify the back, discreetly raise the tip and put the nasal septum straight. There are different surgical maneuvers to achieve this effect, depending on the shape of the patient’s face and the type of aquiline nose.

With rhinoplasty, the main change that we will achieve is the normalization of the shape of your nose, and the improvement of nasal breathing.

Nariz Aguileña

Big nose Correction

We like to treat all these problems together, so that the objective of rhinoplasty is to achieve a natural result, so that it is not noticeable that the patient has had a nose job. Often, we correct septal deviations, and improve the passage of air through the nose, so that there is a not only aesthetic, but also a functional component in rhinoplasty. In these cases we speak of rhinoseptoplasty.


The large nose or aquiline nose operation can often be performed on an outpatient basis without hospital admission, with intravenous sedation. It is usually an intervention lasting around 1 hour. The patient then goes to a recovery box and later returns home.


  • The swelling lasts between 4 and 7 days. In cases where it is not necessary to perform lateral osteotomies, recovery is faster, between 2 and 5 days.
  • There are different techniques and surgical maneuvers (ultrasonic rhinoplasty, open rhinoplasty, closed rhinoplasty …) depending on the characteristics of each nose. Based on this, we meticulously plan the rhinoplasty.
  • The revisions after rhinoplasty are at 5-7 days, at 21 days and at 3 months. We also recommend long-term follow-up.


 At Clínica  Birbe we carry out simulations of what the result of a large nose operation could be like in your first consultation. We have found it to be an excellent form of communication for our patients to share their goals with Dr. Birbe, so that we can plan your intervention with your wishes in mind.

What is the process to follow to treat a large nose?

Call us to book an appointment.

On the first visit you will explain your wishes to us, we will take photos of you, you can bring us images of other people you like, we will simulate the result and discuss what is best for you according to your current situation.

Once the simulation has been carried out and the objectives have been precisely determined, we plan the operation, at your convenience.

Post-surgery revision visits are important both in the beginning and in the medium term.

How much does the big nose treatment cost at Birbe Clinic?

The cost varies depending on the treatment applied: between € 1,000 and € 4,800. You should know that you will put yourself in the hands of a prestigious clinic that has a team of internationally recognized professionals. Without a doubt, you will get the best service at the most competitive price in a treatment that is an investment for life.


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